Suffering from painful diabetic neuropathy?
MTV IR now offers the first FDA-approved non-drug treatment for PDN, the Nevro HFX™.

Enjoy significant pain relief
9 out of 10 people experience long-term relief1.

Get meaningful rest
Reduce your pain and improve your sleep.

Trial Period
Evaluate your relief in a one-week temporary trial.
1 Petersen, E., et al. (2023). Long-term efficacy of high-frequency (10 kHz) spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy: 24-Month results of a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 110865.
Introducing Nevro HFX spinal cord stimulation
A breakthrough device that works wonders to control and ease your pain signals from within your body. Studies reveal that 9 out of 10 patients experience long-term relief with this small yet powerful device. Specifically designed for those suffering from diabetic neuropathy, Nevro HFX effectively addresses shooting, burning, pins, and needles pain that conventional treatments struggle to alleviate. Say goodbye to letting pain dictate your life – take the first step towards a pain-free existence with Nevro HFX™.
Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) has been a trusted method for managing chronic pain worldwide for over 30 years. It involves a minimally invasive implant procedure, allowing patients to return home on the same day.
A one-week trial period allows us to determine if Spinal Cord Stimulation is right for you.
We offer a one-week trial period to help determine if Spinal Cord Stimulation is the best choice for you. This medical procedure aims to ease chronic pain by interrupting the signals that transmit pain to the brain. However, it’s important to note that this procedure may not be suitable for everyone. That’s why we recommend the trial period, during which the Nevro HFX device is temporarily attached externally to stimulate your nerves and provide pain relief. If the trial proves successful, the device can then be permanently implanted, offering you long-term relief from pain.

Managing chronic pain can be a challenge, but MTV IR can help. We offer advanced procedures like Pain Pumps and Spinal Stimulators that have been proven to be highly effective for carefully selected patients whose severe pain persists despite prior treatment efforts.
Our pain pump procedure can significantly improve the quality of life for patients who suffer from chronic pain issues. Unlike oral pain medications that diffuse throughout the entire body, causing the need for higher doses to achieve the desired effect, pain pumps are a safe and effective alternative. They allow for pain medicine to be delivered precisely to the source of the pain, resulting in optimal pain management and better quality of life.
The procedure includes implanting a pump under the skin of the abdomen, with a catheter precisely placed in the spine where the pain originates. This allows medication to be delivered directly into the spinal fluid, offering potent pain relief with lower doses and reduced side effects compared to traditional methods.
This drastically cuts down the dose of medication that is needed, and the medication often provides even better pain relief with much fewer side effects.
Depending on the individual patient’s requirements, the pump typically undergoes a refill process every 1 to 3 months. This replenishment involves inserting a needle through the skin and puncturing a diaphragm on the pump’s surface. This simple procedure allows for the administration of various pain medications, including combinations, directly into the spinal fluid via the pump.
One of the significant advantages of this system is its subcutaneous placement, which greatly reduces the risk of infection. Moreover, because the entire system resides beneath the skin, patients can maintain full mobility and engage in their regular activities without restrictions. This freedom allows individuals to lead active lifestyles while effectively managing their pain.
Start Living
Connect with the professionals at MTV IR to get a consultation and get back to living your life.
request a consultationWhat to Expect
A Spinal Stimulator procedure involves surgically implanting a small catheter under the skin in areas like the chest, upper buttock, or abdomen. This catheter delivers electronic signals directly to the spinal cord segment, causing pain and a tingling sensation over the painful area that helps alleviate the discomfort.
Patients can manage the stimulator using a magnetic pulsing device over the skin above the implanted generator disk. This method proves effective for individuals experiencing back and leg pain resistant to traditional spinal surgery.
A growing body of evidence supports the efficacy of a Spinal Stimulator procedure. Clinical studies have consistently demonstrated significant reductions in pain levels among patients suffering from chronic back and leg pain that has proven unresponsive to traditional spinal surgeries. Moreover, many individuals report improved overall quality of life, with enhanced mobility, reduced reliance on pain medications, and a renewed ability to engage in daily activities without the debilitating effects of persistent pain.
Beyond its effectiveness in pain management, the Spinal Stimulator procedure offers additional benefits. Its minimally invasive nature and subcutaneous placement help minimize the risk of infection while allowing patients to maintain their mobility and activity levels during the recovery period and beyond.